Triple Eight Self Inflating Lemur Lounger 2 packs bundle
- Waterproof, fast drying material
- Self-inflating, only 1 click to start
- Quickly inflate in approx. 90 seconds
- Compact size, approx. A4 paper size when deflated,33*11*36 cm
- Ergonomic & comfortable design with lumbar support
- Battery-operated, 2500mAh battery with a 120hr Battery life
- Product composition: 0.08TPU+40D Nylon

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Triple Eight
Self Inflating Lemur Lounger
Triple Eight
Self Inflating Lemur Lounger
Triple Eight
Self Inflating Lemur Lounger
About The Brand:
The Triple Eight Brand was established in early 2021 by
the team at Panmi. Panmi has always looked to take on
brands with a strong focus on innovation and fulfilling
the needs of the Australian public and Triple Eight
follows along this path. There were increasing
occurences shere Panmi had found innovative products
that would suit the Australian market but no appropiate
brand to align with. This is where Triple Eight was born.
The Triple Eight brand allows Panmi to source and
customise its own products with a greater contril over
the final product and the overall customer experience.
We are proud to bring to you the Triple Eight brand and
look forward to having join us as we explore innovation.
About The Brand:
The Triple Eight Brand was established in early 2021 by the team at Panmi. Panmi has always looked to take onbrands with a strong focus on innovation and fulfillingthe needs of the Australian public and Triple Eightfollows along this path.There were increasing
occurences where Panmi had found innovative products that would suit the Australian market but no appropiate brand to align with.This is where Triple Eight was born.
The Triple Eight brand allows Panmi to source and
customise its own proaucts.wil a gtomer exoerience.the final product and the overall customer experience.we are proud to bring to you the Triple Eight brana inalook forward to having join us as we explore innovation.

One-button Automatic Inflation In Just 90s
Built-in electric air pump with a powerful lithium battery.
Super-fast and extra stable.
Battery capacity
Battery capacity
2.5 hours